Mary Elton Primary School

Mary Elton Primary School

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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 2023-24 with Miss Pye, Miss Derry, Mrs Evans and Mrs Chilcott.

We would encourage you to keep an eye on these pages as we like to share aspects of the children’s learning and experiences from Elm and Hazel classes.

4th July 2024 - Castle Trip

Year 2 went on a school trip to Cardiff Castle. They got to explore the castle, try on helmets and armour and were put in the stocks. They even got to go to the very top of the keep, up some extremely steep and windy stairs! They all behaved fantastically, asked lots of great questions and were able to show off their learning from this term. Well done Year 2. 


9th May 2024 - Golf workshop

Year 2 were lucky enough to take part in a golf workshop. They got to work in teams and practice their putting skills. We even beat some records held by the club! 

5th January 2024 - Bristol Old Vic Trip

Year 1 and 2 took a trip to the Bristol Old Vic to see a play about the Four Seasons, with music from Vivaldi. It was hilarious and we learned so much about the different animals that me might spot year round. Some of us even got involved!

11th September 2023 - Treasure hunting!

We found a treasure map and went on a treasure hunt! We found an eye patch, hook and finally a treasure chest full of chocolate coins! This was the exciting hook for our Term 1 book 'Pirate Tom'



25th May 2023 - Mathematicians

Year 2 were fantastic mathematicians and put their knowledge of measuring in ml to good use. Today the children were tasked with making fruit punch in groups. They had to make 300ml of fruit punch using 3 different juices. We loved tasting it at the end. 


15th March 2023 - SS Great Britain Trip

In Year 2 this term we have been working as historians to answer the question, “What did Brunel do for Great Britain?”.  We went on a trip to Bristol to see the SS Great Britain. It was fantastic to see some of Brunel’s achievements first hand. We used the information we gathered from the trip to inform our fact files about Brunel’s work.


9th February 2023 - Healthy Living

In Year 2 this term, we have been working as engineers and scientists to answer the question, “How can we lead a healthy life?”.  We planned and created a cold wrap following a trial of ideas. We used a combination of 3 foods based on what items we thought were the healthiest. We then wrote a recipe which included our thoughts about how the wrap tasted and finally wrote a manifesto to answer our question. 

14th December 2022 - Enquiry

In Year 2 this term our enquiry question has been: “How are schools the same?” As geographers we learnt what physical and human features are.  We also observed as scientists what was the same about our school and Kikoboga School in Africa by looking at photographs and using Google Earth. We considered how we could share information about our school with others by writing letters and creating an information video. As artists, we painted and collaged shapes that were the same for both schools. Finally, we used our artistic and author writer skills to highlight the similarities between Mary Elton and Kikoboga School by creating a double page spread to demonstrate our learning and to answer the question.


20th October 2022 - Engineers

In Year 2, we have been being Engineers. We have been finding out what our classroom is made of. To achieve this, we have been looking at properties of materials and exploring ways of joining them. Part of our challenge has been to design a story reading den. To support this, we thought it would be a good idea to spend some time in the Forest School area and make some dens with what was available for some hands-on experience. 



10th March 2022 - Chief Sitting Bull!

Year 2 had a visit from Chief Sitting Bull this week as part of their learning about Native America. Chief Sitting Bull taught them about where he lives, what life is like for him catching buffalo to make clothes and how he is about to go to battle to fight for his land that other people want to take. The children asked him some great questions about his life. Chief Sitting Bull was also interested in how they live and asked them questions about things they had in their classroom he had never seen before. He was fascinated by the lights and asked the children how they had captured the sun and hidden it on their ceiling! The children finished up by joining in with a battle dance. Lots of fun, and we all thought Chief Sitting Bull looked familiar somehow......maybe we had seen him in a book before!

9th March 2022 - Year 6 visit Year 2

In Year 2 we have been learning about non-chronological reports. We took a trip to see Year 6 as we heard they had just written some fantastic double-page spreads about animals that live in Antarctica. Year 6 helped to teach us what features we would need to include when we write our own non-chronological reports about animals and they shared their work with us. We can't wait to go back and show them our finished writing soon!


16th December 2021 - DT

Year 2 have been designing their own Christmas decorations. They used their sewing skills to sew together the felt to make a bauble, reindeer or gingerbread man shape then decorated the front with felt, buttons and pom poms. Well done Year 2!


21st October 2021 - Vet visit

Here our some photos from our vet nurse visit. The children had the best time, we learnt how to brush the dog's teeth, bandage them up and look after them. We listened to their heart beat, used a special machine to find their microchip and we got to stroke two dogs and a tortoise. Quote of the day "best day ever!"