Local Governance Committee (LGC)
Governors are an important part of the strategic leadership of Mary Elton school. We work together and in partnership with the school staff, the wider school community and colleagues in the Futura Learning Partnership to secure the best possible outcomes for the children in our charge.
Within the framework of governance of the Futura Learning Partnership each member school has a LGC with important responsibilities.
- Setting the vision, values and strategic direction of the school in consultation with the Head teacher and senior leadership team.
- Establishing a culture of dialogue with pupils, their families, staff and the wider community
- Within an agreed set of priorities, supporting and challenging the school’s leadership and holding them to account for performance
- Overseeing spending on agreed budgets and securing value for money
- Approving policies that are specific to the school
- Setting targets and monitoring the school’s levels of attainment, taking account of interventions to support particular needs and vulnerable learners
- Overseeing the effective implementation of safeguarding policies and procedures in all aspects of school life.
The LGC currently has nine members. There are two parents Governors, elected by parents, one staff Governor, the Headteacher, and six community Governors appointed for their skills and experience.
The LGC meets at least six times a year and also convenes smaller groups to consider specific issues or priorities. The LGC's work is supported by a Clerk for administration and advice on policies, procedures and responsibilities of governance.
Clerk of Governors contact: clerktogovernors@maryeltonschool.org.uk
Our Governors
Chair of Governors: Hadley Rides (Acting Chair)
Vice Chair of Governors: Hadley Rides
Headteacher: Tom Newell
Chief Executive Officer of Futura Learning Partnership: Gary Schlick
Clerk to Governors: Jane Dennes
Safeguarding link Governor: Hadley Rides
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities link Governor: Karina Eccles
Looked After Children link Governor: Karina Eccles
Pupil Premium link Governor: Claire Blackford
- Governor annual statement 2024-2025
- Declaration of personal/business interest register 2023-2024
- Governor attendance 2023-2024
Community Governors
Name | Hadley Rides |
Category | Appointed |
Appointed by | Trust Board |
Term of Office |
18/5/18- 2/2/22 Parent Governor 3/2/22- 2/2/26 Appointed |
Committee and Positions of Responsibility
Acting chair Vice chair of LGC Safeguarding Link Governor
Biography | Due to originally having two children within MEPS, I joined the LGC in 2018 as a parent governor where I subsequently became the SEN link governor. I wanted to take an active part in ensuring the school continued to provide the best education, both academically and socially, that it has historically been renowned for. At the end of my term as parent governor, I was appointed to remain as governor by the LGC and became both the Safeguarding Link and vice chair in 2023. I am a Detective Inspector within Avon and Somerset and have a specialist background in both Child Protection and Safeguarding, so I felt that my skills would be of use to support both the school and, more importantly, ensure that the children within our school were safe and happy. I am really pleased in being able to work alongside the rest of the LGC and have the opportunity to work closely with the teaching staff within MEPS, who all work tirelessly to provide the best possible education for all the children. |
Name | Claire Blackford |
Category | Appointed |
Appointed by | LGC |
Term of Office | 29/1/24 to 28/1/28 |
Committee and Positions of Responsibility
Pupil Premium Link Governor |
Biography |
I live in Clevedon and work as a Year 2 teacher at a school in Portishead. I'm a mum of a very sweet (and lively) little boy who will be a pupil at Mary Elton in a few years. As the parent of a future Mary Elton pupil, I am highly invested in supporting the school to achieve its potential.
My role within the governing body is to work alongside school staff to monitor the use of Pupil Premium funding. We work together to ensure the funding to support disadvantaged pupils is used effectively to have maximum impact on the children's progress.
I feel passionately about working collaboratively within the school community to ensure all children experience a high quality and enjoyable education at Mary Elton. |
Name | Amy Vallance |
Category | Community Governor |
Appointed by | LGC |
Term of Office | 10/10/24 - 9/10/28 |
Committee and Positions of Responsibility
Biography |
Parent Governors
Name | Clare Greenway |
Category | Parent Governor |
Elected by | Parents |
Term of Office | 15.07.21 - 14.07.25 |
Committee and Positions of Responsibility
School Community Lead Links with parents/carers Pupil voice Wellbeing
Biography |
Mary Elton Primary School has been a part of my life for many years; first as a pupil and now as a parent and a governor. I have 3 children, two of whom currently attend Mary Elton, one in Year One and one in Year Six and I have a toddler who will attend Mary Elton in the future. I am a veterinary surgeon and have played an active role in the school HSA over the past 7 years. On behalf of the HSA I organise the Christmas card design scheme, the cake sales and the second hand uniform sales, as well as making up uniforms free of charge for school families in need. I am passionate about creating a strong link between the school and its wider community of pupils, parents and carers, hence my position as school community leader. I became a governor as I want to ensure every pupil has the best experience and the opportunity to reach their full potential at Mary Elton Primary School. |
Name | Karina Eccles |
Category | Parent Governor |
Elected by | Parents |
Term of Office | 11.07.22 - 10.07.26 |
Committee and Positions of Responsibility |
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Link Governor Looked After Children Link Governor |
Biography |
With 4 children who have attended Mary Elton (and 3 still in the school), I became a governor because I wanted to support those who are educating my children and also be more involved in, and supportive of, my local community. I care passionately about enabling all children to have access to an education that will inspire and empower them to reach their potential. I have worked with children in many guises throughout my working life, and I currently manage a charity that supports the education and development of young carers. I have also personally mentored long-term three (teenage!) young carers. I don’t have much time for relaxation, but I’ve recently taken up ice skating and with the kids I love to go on challenging walks and play board games. |
Staff Governors
Name | Tom Newell |
Category | Staff/Headteacher (Interim) |
Appointed by | Headteacher |
Term of Office | 30.11.2023 - ex officio |
Committee and Positions of Responsibility |
Biography |
Name | Helen Easterbrook |
Category | Staff Governor |
Appointed by | Staff |
Term of Office | 10/10/24 - 9/10/28 |
Committee and Positions of Responsibility |
Biography |
My two children attended Mary Elton Primary School - that’s how my connection to the school began. During that time, I have been a parent volunteer (which included reading with children and helping on school trips.) I started to volunteer for the HSA, subsequently became chair for a number of years and, though no longer chair, still volunteer on the committee. For the last nine years, I have been working as a learning support assistant, either 1:1 with a child I am assigned to or in the classroom and I was recently able to train to be an HLTA with support from the school as a professional development opportunity. I am proud to be part of this amazing school community and feel passionately about giving the children the best opportunities to thrive in their time here. |
Name | Mike Flory |
Category | Staff Governor |
Appointed by | Staff |
Term of Office | 10/10/24 - 9/10/28 |
Committee and Positions of Responsibility | |
Biography |
Statutory information
- Articles of association
- Annual report and financial statement
- Governance
- Higher paid staff
- Master funding agreement
- Scheme of delegation
- Terms of reference
Leavers - with our sincere thanks for their service
Name | Caroline Moss |
Term of Office | 20.04.23 - 15.07.24 |
Name | Charley Clarke |
Term of Office | 30.11.23 - 15.07.24 |
Name | John Reeve |
Term of Office |
22.06.16 – 21.06.24 |
Name | Ross McKechan |
Term of Office | 24.03.21-28.09.23 |
Name | John Purcell |
Term of Office | 20.10.22 - 31.7.23 |
Name | Dean Hudd |
Term of Office | 01.09.16 - 30.11.23 |
Name | Clare Pole |
Term of Office | 31.10.20 - 15.09.23 |
Name | Zoe Taylor |
Term of Office | 28.02.23 - 08.01.24 |