Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)
Our school SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) is Mr David Hartshorn. He can be contacted by email at DHartshorn@maryeltonschool.org.uk or by calling the school office on 01275 876432.
- SEND information report 2024-25
- SEND policy
- Equality and diversity policy including statement
- Accessibility policy
- Equality action plan
At Mary Elton we will
- Ensure that all children receive a high-quality of education regardless of need or disability
- Equip our children with the tools they need to achieve
- Provide early identification and intervention for SEND to ensure that progress and opportunities are maximized.
- Ensure that all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which is differentiated to enable children to learn at their own pace.
- Provide an accessible learning environment which is tailored to the individual needs of all pupils.
- Regularly monitor the progress of children with SEND, using a child-centred approach
- Work in partnership with parents and carers
- Work alongside and engage external agencies.
We follow a graduated approach – Assess – Plan – Do and Review
The four main SEND areas are (as identified by the SEND Code of Practice):
1. Communication and interaction
2. Cognition and learning
3. Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
4. Physical and/or sensory needs
We identify and focus on these categories for our children who may need additional support.
Staged Approach
We want to ensure that our children are receiving the most appropriate SEND support based on their needs. We work on a three staged approach to ensure provision is matched.
Wave 1: Class/year group/whole school curriculum
Wave 2: Targeted support - internal
Wave 3: Targeted support - external
In the sections below you will find the provision that we provide at each stage. At Mary Elton we recognise that SEND support can be required at different times and some situations may require children to receive support at a higher level rather than progressing through the stages. This model will be reactive to the needs of the children. It is important to note that this will adapt over time as provision is reviewed and strengthened.
Wave 1 – class/year group/school curriculum
This is our offer to all our pupils at Mary Elton as part of our curriculum provision.
- High quality teaching
- Class teacher/year group staff to support
- Differentiated learning
- Differentiation for behaviour
- Inclusive environment
- SEND friendly classrooms
- Home/school diaries
- Jigsaw.
Wave 2 – targeted support (internally) – cause for concern completed by class teacher
Some children require targeted support. If this is the case the class teacher will complete a referral to the SEND Team to review and in consultation decide on the most appropriate support.
- Structured conversations three times a year
- Observation by SENCo
- Targeted support
- Set SEND specific interventions/resources.
- Add child to SEND register.
- Visual Stress Assessment – coloured overlays/paper
- ALK assessment for dyslexia concerns.
Wave 3 – targeted support (externally)
This external targeted support is provided by agencies outside of Mary Elton and will require referrals, supported by the SEND team. Mary Elton are not able to control waiting times and the use of waiting lists but will continue to support the children through wave 1 and wave 2 whilst external support is to be implemented.
- Education health care plan
- Top up funding
- Early help assessment
- Enhanced provision
- Educational psychologist
- Primary inclusion panel – SPS/Reintegration Team
- Community paediatrics
- Speech and language therapy
- Vision support
- Occupational therapy.
Communication with staff and parents/carers
- 24 hours acknowledgement
- Within five working days a more formal response
Cause for concerns from teaching staff
- Within two school days for an acknowledgement
- Within five school days feedback/provide next steps
- Within eight school days a meeting is held to decide on actions
How does this relate to the school curriculum?
- Our curriculum is designed to provide access and opportunity for all children who attend
- Our curriculum includes, not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but also a range of additional opportunities to enrich the experiences of our children. Our curriculum also includes the social aspects that are essential for life-long learning, personal growth and development of independence.
- For more information please see our curriculum