Mary Elton Primary School

Mary Elton Primary School

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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 2023-24 with Mrs Banks, Miss Taylor, Mrs Hartnett-Fletcher and Miss Bird.

We would encourage you to keep an eye on these pages as we like to share aspects of the children’s learning and experiences from Cherry and Beech classes.

16th July 2024 - Castles WOW day and Exhibition!

Year 1 had a fantastic castle wow day yesterday. Their knight, princess and jester costumes looked fantastic - their effort was amazing! The children took part in lots of curriculum based activities throughout the morning and then had the chance to showcase their artwork in an exhibition for Year 4, Reception and their parents. The children were bursting with pride talking to the older children about their Dragonology books, clay dragon eyes and chalk dragon eyes. The Reception children were very engaged and excited for this learning next year!

4th July 2024 - Dragonology

Year One are very busy being Dragonologists! They are studying the features of dragons, their habits and diet requirements. As part of their studies they are looking after 2 orphan dragons, Gem and Quartz, who the children take home each night and document their adventures in a journal which they share with the rest of the class each day. Today the children designed their own dragon eggs and started to decorate them with pearlised paint - they will be finished off with dragon dust and tiny gemstones. They have also produced some stunning pastel studies of dragon eyes - I'm sure you'll agree these pictures are quite exceptional for 5 and 6 year olds!

Y1 Dragonology July 24


3rd May 2024 - DT (Cooking)

In Year 1 the children have been making healthy fruit smoothies. They used kitchen tools to peel, cut and grate the ingredients before using a blender to whizz everything up, and then the best bit  . . .  tasting!! Yummy!!


25th March 2024 - PSHE

In our PSHE lessons we have thinking about how to stay safe and healthy - as part of this work, the children spent time thinking about safely crossing the road. We followed the green cross code and practiced using the zebra and the pedestrian crossings near to school. We know we have to stop, look and listen before we cross.

22nd January 2024 - PSHE

As part of our Jigsaw work, Year 1 followed simple step-by-step instructions to make yummy jam sandwiches! We thought about how tricky things are easier to do if you break them down into little steps.

11th December 2023 - Art

In their Art lessons, Year One have been focusing on drawing. We have been practicing our mark-making and sketching skills. We looked at lots of pictures by the artist Stephen Wiltshire and then drew a London cityscape of our own.

19th October 2023 - Football skills

Year One enjoyed an afternoon practicing their football skills with Joseph's Mum and his big brother.  The children did lots of football drills - dribbling the ball making sure they were controlling the ball at all times.



23rd May 2023 - Historians

In Year 1 the children have been having fun investigating how we played in the past as part of our new enquiry. They dressed up in Victorian costumes and played hopscotch, tin-can alley, cup and ball, hoop and stick and marbles. They learnt 'oranges and lemons' and practiced their skipping and hoopla skills. As you can see - we had a great time!


24th March 2023 - Computing Engineers

Year 1 have been thinking about positional language in our Mathematician lessons. The children used programmable Beebots, Codapillars and the remote controlled Easicars. They gave instructions (algorithms) for the toys to follow around the floor mats and obstacles they had created.

16th January 2023 - Community Visit

As part of current enquiry, 'Who helps Who?', Year 1 were visited by 'people who help us' from our local community - we had firefighters, a paramedic, an OT, a bank clerk, a vet nurse and a PAT dog. We found out such a lot about their jobs, their uniforms and looked at some of the special equipment they use. We tried on some of the uniforms, but they were very heavy and far too big! We found out that firefighters don't just put out fires and hardly ever rescue cats from up trees! We had a go at writing a cheque and looked at some real money. Devon was the star of the show; she was very patient as she was bandaged up by 44 children! She is a P.A.T (pets as therapy) dog which means that she can visit people in hospital when they are poorly or children in school to help them with their reading or just to sit with them for a little while to help them feel a bit better. She also helps poorly dogs by giving blood if they need an operation - good dog!


29th November 2022 - Natural Art

As part of our enquiry 'What Changes Around Me?' the children have been busy being scientists, artists and even geographers! We visited the National Trust estate, Tyntesfield to look at the beautiful Autumn colours and investigate the different trees, seeds and leaves we could find. We collected LOTS of Autumn treasures and walked for a VERY long way!! When we got back to school, we created artwork inspired by the artist Andy Goldsworthy using the treasures we had found and other natural materials.


28th September 2022 - Outdoor Learning

Year 1 took their learning outside! They have been making dens, cooking in the mud kitchen, using the bikes and scooters and practicing their gross motor skills.



28th June 2022 - Computing

Year One had great fun today, working collaboratively exploring the programmable toys - the BeeBots and CodaPillars - giving instructions to move around the floormats, through tunnels and along pathways.


16th June 2022 - Letter from Sir Winalot

Dear Knights-in-Waiting,

I apologise for not writing sooner but things have really been hotting up here at the palace – we think there has been a sighting of the dragon, so I am packing my kitbag and heading off forthwith to investigate and will contact you with an update as soon as I can.

I do have a couple of important tasks for you to complete, however, in my absence:
Firstly, have a think about the kind of things you need to pack before going on a quest – what sort of things would be useful to take with you? What things are essential? (I cannot sleep without Herbert my teddy, when I am away, so Mrs Winalot always makes sure he is packed in my kitbag!)

Secondly, a knight must have a crest, a coat of arms that tells other what kind of a knight he (or she) is. Each family has their own crest, but a knight can adapt their family crest to add things that are important to them. I took the liberty of researching a family crest that is of importance to you all, that of Mary Elton – it’s very stylish as you can see! I need you to do some research into your family crest and create a coat of arms.

Yours sincerely, Sir Winalot xx


19th May 2022 - Letter from King Leopold

We received a letter from King Leopold with the terrible news that Princess Tippitoes had been captured by a dragon! We are very keen to help - Freddie assures us he has already done this kind of thing before, so he's our expert! Mrs Parle that we COULD NOT go and fight a dangerous fire-breathing dragon without the necessary training and risk assessment. We thought about the type of person we needed to train us and made WANTED posters to ask for help. We wonder who will reply?


13th May 2022 - Dragon hatching

There was great excitement in Year 1 this morning when the children discovered that the dragon eggs had finally hatched! They are baby Wyvern dragons - completely harmless, but extremely curious little dragons, who love exploring and going on adventures. Teddy and Lizzie have taken them home to look after for the weekend - we wonder what adventures they will get up to?

25th April 2022 - Tyntesfield Visit

The Y1 children had a fantastic day revisiting Tyntesfield. This time they saw lots of signs of spring. The observed their surroundings and noticed the trees now had new buds. They spotted bluebells, daffodils and enjoyed the sunshine! They also took part in the nature trail where they discovered insects. The children practiced their observation art and painted beautiful pictures of the spring flowers. At the end of the trail they made a pledge to help look after the earth. A great day had by all.

Y1 Tyntesfield Trip 22


7th April 2022 - Baddie Exhibition

Y1 had an exhibition for our grown-ups, Y2 and EYFS to show them our fantastic work. As part of this term's work on Traditional Tales, the children had designed and made a house 'fit for a Baddie'. They had also written and published their own traditional tale. The children were very proud of their work!


24th January 2022 - RSPB Big Bird Watch

The Y1 children had a lovely afternoon taking part in the RSPB big bird watch. They spotted magpies, sparrows, blackbirds and seagulls. They had to stay very quiet not to scare the birds and used their binoculars to identify the various different types. The children learnt to make a tally and found out bird facts in their information books. The children also made birdfeeder to take home, we can't wait to hear which types of birds they spot in their gardens/ outdoor space!

Y1 Bird Watching


30th November 2021 - Christingle

We made Christingles! Tesco Clevedon provided everything we needed - thank you!

10th November 2021 - Post Office Trip

The Y1 children had a fantastic trip to the Post Office. They observed lots of different areas of the local community. The children spotted the supermarket, leisure centre, bus stops, church and the boatyard. This helped with the children's learning back in school, they drew a map of the local area. Everyone posted their letters and we even had a special talk from the lady at the post office informing us about the journey our letters will go on. 


4th November 2021 - Tyntesfield Trip

The children had a fantastic day on their first ever trip to Tyntesfield. They were SO excited from the coach until the moment we returned to school. The children spotted lots of signs of Autumn including the changes in the trees and chill in the air. They created artwork out of the autumnal foliage they found along the way. A brilliant day for all! 


11th October 2021 - DT Fabric Faces

Year 1 have been making fabric faces as part of our topic 'All About Me'. The children carefully observed their features in order to design their fabric face. They then used their sewing skills to put the different features together. The children evaluated the whole process and they have been put on display in the Y1 area. The children really enjoyed making these, the final result looked fantastic.