Welcome to Reception 2024-25 with Mrs Clements and Miss Starmer.
We would encourage you to keep an eye on these pages as we like to share aspects of the children’s learning and experiences from Ash and Alder classes.
28th January 2025 - Chinese New Year
Reception are learning all about Chinese New Year this week! They have learnt about 'The Great Race' story, which decides the order of the Zodiac, and used puppets to act out this out. They have practiced using chopsticks and learnt about traditions such as giving money in red envelopes. They also got creative, making their own Chinese lanterns and paper plate snakes to show that this year is year of the snake!
22nd January 2025 - Space
This term, Reception are learning all about space! So far, they have acted out stories about space, made and tried their own 'space food' and did some bubble blowing art to make their own planets.
20th January 2025 - Phonics
Reception enjoyed playing a game of 'red word bingo'! They had to practice writing their red sight words, then they could mark off their words when the teacher read them out! They were so excited when they could shout "bingo!"
9th January 2025 - Ice!
What a beautiful start to a chilly day! Reception worked hard to prepare their ice hangings yesterday. Look at what they created.
29th November 2024 - Christmas!
Christmas has arrived in Reception! They had fun decorating their classroom and particularly loved having a turn to put baubles on the tree! We can't wait for more Christmas fun in Reception!
Term 2 Curriculum Map
13th November 2024 - Maths
Reception have been enjoying learning all about 2D shapes in Maths! They have been sorting shapes, looking for shapes in the environment, drawing the shapes they see, and making pictures using 2D shapes!
23rd October 2024 - Autumn
Reception have loved planting bulbs ready for Spring in the EYFS garden. We have been learning to create repeating patterns using various materials. The children are enjoying putting their phonic skills to use! We have been exploring Autumn.
30th September 2024 - Autumn
In Reception, we have started our autumn topic! We have learnt about the changes we will see, and had a go at drawing these. We've also made autumn trees in the construction area, made our own 'leaf man' out of loose parts, and used blow painting to make autumn leaves. We can't wait to keep learning more about autumn!
18th September 2024 - Phonics and curriculum
Reception have started learning sounds in phonics and they are practising their letter formation during continuous provision! Reception are also enjoying exploring the curriculum areas in EYFS.
Term 1 Curriculum map and useful information
Term 1 information for parents/carers
10th September 2024 - Settling in!
Reception have been having fun exploring their new classrooms and the outdoor environment. They have enjoyed having lunch in school and making new friends.
12th June 2024 - Lighthouse Keepers Lunch
In Reception we are enjoying our new topic, 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch.'
We have used Modroc to create our own lighthouses. We followed instructions to make ham and mustard sandwiches. They were delicious!
We have been focusing on the local artist, Doris Hatt. We looked at her paintings and then recreated our own images.
We have been constructing lighthouses using Lego and bricks.
We have some new seagull chicks that have hatched on our roof. Come and meet them!

8th May 2024 - Outdoor Area
EYFS are having a great time learning all about, 'Ready, Steady, Grow!' We are enjoying our fantastic outdoor area!
26th April 2024 - Farm Visit
Reception have been learning the story, 'Farmer Duck,' by Martin Waddell. We had a wonderful day at Lowerstock Farm in Wrington. We met Mary the hen and found out all sorts of facts about chickens. We were able to stroke the six week old lambs. We perfected our milking skills. We loved playing in the woods by the stream. We went on a very bumpy tractor ride to meet the cows in the field. It was a tiring day!
Term 4 - Special Visitors
The children in Reception have been lucky enough to have two special visitors this term. One was from some paleontologists who taught us about fossils and brought in some real examples for us to hold. We then designed our own dinosaurs with stencils.
The other visit was from a lamb from Molly's farm! We have been learning all about Spring and new baby animals being born so Molly's mum brought the lamb in to talk to us about they look after him on their farm. We all got to have a stroke and hear all about what he needs to stay healthy and grow strong.

Term 3 - Light and Dark
During Term 3, the children in Reception have been exploring Light and Dark. They have been learning about shadows and enjoyed making them on the playground and in the dark tent.
They learnt all about nocturnal animals and had a go at making bats, owls and clay hedgehogs. They used the ipads to draw pictures of nocturnal animals. They have been learning all about Space and are now experts on gravity and constellations! This term they have enjoyed doing lots of their learning based around the books 'Owl Babies' and 'Whatever Next'.

Term 1 - Harvest
In Term 1, EYFS learnt all about different winter vegetables and how they are harvested. They enjoyed exploring some winter vegetables including scooping out the insides of pumpkins. They learnt the story of The Little Red Hen and even had a visit from some real life chickens, Daisy and Delilah! They learnt about what the chickens eat, how to care for them, and got to feel some nice warm eggs!

26th May 2023 - Outdoor Learning
This term we have been to Forest school for the first time. We have been exploring the woods, looking for mini beasts and have found so many! We have been engineers and built dens for people and designed and built dens for small creatures. We have also had our potion station using different flowers and leaves to make different scents. We have learnt so much in our outdoor environments.
24th March 2023 - Farm visit
For our enquiry 'Where does food come from?' we visited Lower Stock Farm. We were able to see cows who were all expecting babies, a chicken which we were able to touch and hold their egg and Alder class were lucky enough to see a calf that had just been born. We then went to the outdoor playground and spotted the signs of spring, before building dens for our teddy bears. We all had so much fun!
27th January 2023 - What is darkness?
This term our enquiry has been ‘What is Darkness?’. We have been scientists learning about nocturnal animals and their habitats. As philosophers, we explored a dark den and talked about how it made us feel. Our challenge for this enquiry as engineers was to make a cosy den out of junk modelling for a salt dough dormouse.
14th December 2022 - Gross and Fine Motor Skills
For our second enquiry, EYFS explored 'How can we move?' focusing on a wide range of gross and fine motor skills daily ready to become author writers!
Term 1 - Enquiry
In our first term at Mary Elton, Alder and Ash class have been busy getting to know our school and classes. Our enquiry ‘Who are We?’ has allowed us to get to know each other and talk about ourselves and our families. We have discussed how we are a community at Mary Elton and the similarities that has to communities elsewhere. We have been exploring our outside area and both classrooms, becoming Athletes, Engineers and Mathematicians. We have also been focused on following our school rules and always being ‘Ready, Respectful and Safe’.